Las fotos con las que Colombia honra a los migrantes venezolanos
El objetivo de esta iniciativa, que cuenta con el apoyo de la Agencia de Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (Acnur), Migración Colombia, la fundación Plan e Inside Out Project, es que los transeúntes sepan que en esta Navidad, a diferencia de muchas
RAUL ARBOLEDA/AFPPortraits of Venezuelan migrants and refugees are displayed in Bogota as part of a campaign organized by several NGOs with the aim of giving visibility and face to people in migratory condition, on December 18, 2018. (Photo by Raul ARBOLEDA / AFP)
El objetivo de esta iniciativa, que cuenta con el apoyo de la Agencia de Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (Acnur), Migración Colombia, la fundación Plan e Inside Out Project, es que los transeúntes sepan que en esta Navidad, a diferencia de muchas otras personas, los venezolanos están lejos de su casa.
RAUL ARBOLEDA/AFPPortraits of Venezuelan migrants and refugees are displayed in Bogota as part of a campaign organized by several NGOs with the aim of giving visibility and face to people in migratory condition, on December 18, 2018. (Photo by Raul ARBOLEDA / AFP)
RAUL ARBOLEDA/AFPVenezuelan migrant musician Luis Velasquez plays the violin next to portraits of Venezuelan migrants and refugees -including himself (top, R)- which are displayed in Bogota as part of a campaign organized by several NGOs with the aim of giving visibility and face to people in migratory condition, on December 18, 2018. (Photo by Raul ARBOLEDA / AFP)
RAUL ARBOLEDA/AFPPortraits of Venezuelan migrants and refugees are displayed in Bogota as part of a campaign organized by several NGOs with the aim of giving visibility and face to people in migratory condition, on December 18, 2018. (Photo by Raul ARBOLEDA / AFP)
RAUL ARBOLEDA/AFPPortraits of Venezuelan migrants and refugees are displayed in Bogota as part of a campaign organized by several NGOs with the aim of giving visibility and face to people in migratory condition, on December 18, 2018. (Photo by Raul ARBOLEDA / AFP)
RAUL ARBOLEDA/AFPVenezuelan migrant musician Alexis Velasquez plays the bassoon next to portraits of Venezuelan migrants and refugees -including himself (bottom, R)- which are displayed in Bogota as part of a campaign organized by several NGOs with the aim of giving visibility and face to people in migratory condition, on December 18, 2018. (Photo by Raul ARBOLEDA / AFP)
RAUL ARBOLEDA/AFPPortraits of Venezuelan migrants and refugees are displayed in Bogota as part of a campaign organized by several NGOs with the aim of giving visibility and face to people in migratory condition, on December 18, 2018. (Photo by Raul ARBOLEDA / AFP)
RAUL ARBOLEDA/AFPPortraits of Venezuelan migrants and refugees are displayed in Bogota as part of a campaign organized by several NGOs with the aim of giving visibility and face to people in migratory condition, on December 18, 2018. (Photo by Raul ARBOLEDA / AFP)
RAUL ARBOLEDA/AFPVenezuelan migrant musician Esther Garcia plays the double bass next to portraits of Venezuelan migrants and refugees -including herself (top, L)- which are displayed in Bogota as part of a campaign organized by several NGOs with the aim of giving visibility and face to people in migratory condition, on December 18, 2018. (Photo by Raul ARBOLEDA / AFP)
RAUL ARBOLEDA/AFPVenezuelan migrant musician Victor Rojas plays the violin next to portraits of Venezuelan migrants and refugees -including himself (top, R)- which are displayed in Bogota as part of a campaign organized by several NGOs with the aim of giving visibility and face to people in migratory condition, on December 18, 2018. (Photo by Raul ARBOLEDA / AFP)
RAUL ARBOLEDA/AFPPortraits of Venezuelan migrants and refugees are displayed in Bogota as part of a campaign organized by several NGOs with the aim of giving visibility and face to people in migratory condition, on December 18, 2018. (Photo by Raul ARBOLEDA / AFP)
Una cámara de seguridad del edificio de la Gobernación del Atlántico captó los movimientos del individuo antes y después de llevarse al menos 50 millones de pesos bajo la supuesta modalidad de engaño.