Las fotos con las que Colombia honra a los migrantes venezolanos
El objetivo de esta iniciativa, que cuenta con el apoyo de la Agencia de Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (Acnur), Migración Colombia, la fundación Plan e Inside Out Project, es que los transeúntes sepan que en esta Navidad, a diferencia de muchas
RAUL ARBOLEDA/AFPPortraits of Venezuelan migrants and refugees are displayed in Bogota as part of a campaign organized by several NGOs with the aim of giving visibility and face to people in migratory condition, on December 18, 2018. (Photo by Raul ARBOLEDA / AFP)
El objetivo de esta iniciativa, que cuenta con el apoyo de la Agencia de Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (Acnur), Migración Colombia, la fundación Plan e Inside Out Project, es que los transeúntes sepan que en esta Navidad, a diferencia de muchas otras personas, los venezolanos están lejos de su casa.
RAUL ARBOLEDA/AFPPortraits of Venezuelan migrants and refugees are displayed in Bogota as part of a campaign organized by several NGOs with the aim of giving visibility and face to people in migratory condition, on December 18, 2018. (Photo by Raul ARBOLEDA / AFP)
RAUL ARBOLEDA/AFPVenezuelan migrant musician Luis Velasquez plays the violin next to portraits of Venezuelan migrants and refugees -including himself (top, R)- which are displayed in Bogota as part of a campaign organized by several NGOs with the aim of giving visibility and face to people in migratory condition, on December 18, 2018. (Photo by Raul ARBOLEDA / AFP)
RAUL ARBOLEDA/AFPPortraits of Venezuelan migrants and refugees are displayed in Bogota as part of a campaign organized by several NGOs with the aim of giving visibility and face to people in migratory condition, on December 18, 2018. (Photo by Raul ARBOLEDA / AFP)
RAUL ARBOLEDA/AFPPortraits of Venezuelan migrants and refugees are displayed in Bogota as part of a campaign organized by several NGOs with the aim of giving visibility and face to people in migratory condition, on December 18, 2018. (Photo by Raul ARBOLEDA / AFP)
RAUL ARBOLEDA/AFPVenezuelan migrant musician Alexis Velasquez plays the bassoon next to portraits of Venezuelan migrants and refugees -including himself (bottom, R)- which are displayed in Bogota as part of a campaign organized by several NGOs with the aim of giving visibility and face to people in migratory condition, on December 18, 2018. (Photo by Raul ARBOLEDA / AFP)
RAUL ARBOLEDA/AFPPortraits of Venezuelan migrants and refugees are displayed in Bogota as part of a campaign organized by several NGOs with the aim of giving visibility and face to people in migratory condition, on December 18, 2018. (Photo by Raul ARBOLEDA / AFP)
RAUL ARBOLEDA/AFPPortraits of Venezuelan migrants and refugees are displayed in Bogota as part of a campaign organized by several NGOs with the aim of giving visibility and face to people in migratory condition, on December 18, 2018. (Photo by Raul ARBOLEDA / AFP)
RAUL ARBOLEDA/AFPVenezuelan migrant musician Esther Garcia plays the double bass next to portraits of Venezuelan migrants and refugees -including herself (top, L)- which are displayed in Bogota as part of a campaign organized by several NGOs with the aim of giving visibility and face to people in migratory condition, on December 18, 2018. (Photo by Raul ARBOLEDA / AFP)
RAUL ARBOLEDA/AFPVenezuelan migrant musician Victor Rojas plays the violin next to portraits of Venezuelan migrants and refugees -including himself (top, R)- which are displayed in Bogota as part of a campaign organized by several NGOs with the aim of giving visibility and face to people in migratory condition, on December 18, 2018. (Photo by Raul ARBOLEDA / AFP)
RAUL ARBOLEDA/AFPPortraits of Venezuelan migrants and refugees are displayed in Bogota as part of a campaign organized by several NGOs with the aim of giving visibility and face to people in migratory condition, on December 18, 2018. (Photo by Raul ARBOLEDA / AFP)
La barranquillera ha realizado nueve presentaciones con ‘Las mujeres ya no lloran world tour’, en las que ha llenado estadios y batido récords. Ahora se prepara para 11 fechas en México.
Simplificar los aranceles a uno, no solo agilizaría los procesos, sino que limitaría las ganancias mafiosas al fomentar la competencia del sector formal. Un solo arancel del 7% o 10% sería mortal para pitufo, si hay que no tocar aranceles agrícolas no habría problema. Cualquier avance en simplicidad es fatal para la mafia.
El avance de esta lucha histórica no ha sido mayor, en especial en la parte del mundo del que hace del parte Colombia, porque el subdesarrollo de sus economías impuesto por las mayores potencias impide generar los empleos formales y la independencia económica que son un pilar clave en esta lucha democrática. Dado que solo con los mejores desarrollos teóricos no veo que sea suficiente.
Porque no sé qué tanto le caiga en gracia al patriarca de la familia Char, que la opinión podrida de internet esté asociando su apellido con una serie de televisión que cuenta una historia de corrupción y asesinatos.