Franceses se despiden del fallecido Charles Aznavour
El cantante francés Charles Aznavour, fallecido el lunes a los 94 años, será sepultado este sábado “en la más estricta intimidad” en Montfort-l'Amaury (a unos 45 km al oeste de París), donde reposa parte de su familia.
LUDOVIC MARIN/AFPFrench Republican guards carry the coffin of French-Armenian singer-songwriter Charles Aznavour during the national homage at the Invalides in Paris on October 5, 2018.
Aznavour, 94, was found dead on October 1, 2018 at his home in the southeast, sparking nationwide mourning for an entertainer who sold 180 million records during his eight-decade-long career. / AFP PHOTO / ludovic MARIN
El cantante francés Charles Aznavour, fallecido el lunes a los 94 años, será sepultado este sábado “en la más estricta intimidad” en Montfort-l'Amaury (a unos 45 km al oeste de París), donde reposa parte de su familia. De manera previa se cumplió el funeral en el Palacio de los Inválidos al que pudieron asistir personalidades de la política y la cultura así como decenas de seguidores.
KAREN MINASYAN/AFPPeople take part in a candlelight procession in homage to French-Armenian singer-songwriter Charles Aznavour in Yerevan on October 5, 2018.
Aznavour, 94, was found dead on October 1, 2018 at his home in the southeast of France, sparking nationwide mourning for an entertainer who sold 180 million records during his eight-decade-long career. / AFP PHOTO / KAREN MINASYAN
LUCAS BARIOULET/AFPPeople attend the national homage to the French-Armenian singer-songwriter Charles Aznavour broadcast on a giant screen, on October 5, 2018 at the Esplanades des Invalidesin Paris.
Aznavour, 94, was found dead on October 1, 2018 at his home in the southeast, sparking nationwide mourning for an entertainer who sold 180 million records during his eight-decade-long career. / AFP PHOTO / LUCAS BARIOULET
CHRISTOPHE ENA/AFPRelatives of French-Armenian singer-songwriter Charles Aznavour and France's President Emmanuel Macron (back, L) and his wife Brigitte follow the coffin carried by French Republican Guards during the national homage at the Invalides in Paris on October 5, 2018.
Aznavour, 94, was found dead on October 1, 2018 at his home in the southeast, sparking nationwide mourning for an entertainer who sold 180 million records during his eight-decade-long career. / AFP PHOTO / POOL AND AP / Christophe Ena
LUDOVIC MARIN/AFPRelatives of French-Armenian singer-songwriter Charles Aznavour : his daughters Seda (L) and Katia (3rdR), sons Nicolas (2ndL) and Mischa (2ndR) and widow Ulla follow the coffin carried by French Republican Guards during the national homage at the Invalides in Paris on October 5, 2018.
Aznavour, 94, was found dead on October 1, 2018 at his home in the southeast, sparking nationwide mourning for an entertainer who sold 180 million records during his eight-decade-long career. / AFP PHOTO / ludovic MARIN
KAREN MINASYAN/AFPPeople watch live broadcast of the national homage to French-Armenian singer-songwriter Charles Aznavour held in Paris on a giant screen set at the square bearing his name in Yerevan on October 5, 2018. / AFP PHOTO / KAREN MINASYAN
LUDOVIC MARIN/AFPFormer French President Nicolas Sarkozy (L) talks with French Minister of Public Action and Accounts Gerald Darmanin as they attend the national homage to French-Armenian singer-songwriter Charles Aznavour at the Invalides in Paris on October 5, 2018.
Aznavour, 94, was found dead on October 1, 2018 at his home in the southeast, sparking nationwide mourning for an entertainer who sold 180 million records during his eight-decade-long career. / AFP PHOTO / ludovic MARIN
LUCAS BARIOULET/AFPPeople attend the national homage to the French-Armenian singer-songwriter Charles Aznavour broadcast on a giant screen, on October 5, 2018 at the Esplanades des Invalidesin Paris.
Aznavour, 94, was found dead on October 1, 2018 at his home in the southeast, sparking nationwide mourning for an entertainer who sold 180 million records during his eight-decade-long career. / AFP PHOTO / LUCAS BARIOULET
Diego Marín, el capo del contrabando en Colombia, debe ser extraditado desde Portugal para que revele la verdad sobre sus redes e infiltración en el Estado.
A sus 78 años este hombre oriundo de Galapa ha sido el mentor de los grandes en este oficio como José Llanos o Manuel Pertúz. Busca crear una escuela para seguir enseñando.
Con la participación de la reina del Carnaval, Tatiana Angulo Fernández de Castro, la Acción Social Naval de Barranquilla, de la Armada de Colombia, lideró la fiesta sobre el río Magdalena con su tradicional ‘Guacherna Fluvial’, para recaudar fondos y ayudar al mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de los marinos de Colombia.