Clic: diez curiosas fotos de animales que no puedes dejar de ver
Son diez curiosas escenas captadas en los zoológicos de Mumbai (India), Yunnan en Kunming (sur de China), Tegucigalpa (Honduras) y Nagoya, entre otras.
ORLANDO SIERRA./AFPA smartphone is used to take a picture of a giraffe at the Joya Grande zoo and ecopark in Santa Cruz de Yojoa, Honduras, on October 4, 2018. (Photo by ORLANDO SIERRA. / AFP)
Son diez curiosas escenas captadas en los zoológicos de Mumbai (India), Yunnan en Kunming (sur de China), Tegucigalpa (Honduras) y Nagoya, entre otras. Los reporteros gráficos de la AFP registraron la sorprendente vida animal en cautiverio, bien con sus crías o con otros integrantes de sus especies.
OLIVER KILLIG/dpa Picture-Alliance/AFP11 October 2018, Saxony, Dresden: The Mandrill monkey girl Aluna plays with her mother Ikela at Dresden Zoo. Aluna was born on September 6th and is the seventh joint kitten of the monkey leader Napo and Ikela. Photo: Oliver Killig/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa
FRED DUFOUR/AFPChinese zookeeper feeds newborn white bengal tiger cub in Yunnan Wildlife Zoo in Kunming, Southern China on October 12, 2018. - Three playful white Bengal tiger cubs are charming tourists as they clamber around the enclosure at a zoo, days into making their first public appearance. (Photo by FRED DUFOUR / AFP)
ORLANDO SIERRA/AFPZebras are seen at the Joya Grande zoo and eco-park in Santa Cruz de Yojoa, Cortes department, 160 km north of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, on October 4, 2018. - Joya Grande, seized to Los Cachiros drug cartel five years ago, is going through its worst economic crisis. (Photo by ORLANDO SIERRA / AFP)
ORLANDO SIERRA/AFPJapanese chicken and deer are seen at the Joya Grande zoo and eco-park in Santa Cruz de Yojoa, Cortes department, 160 km north of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, on October 4, 2018. - Joya Grande, seized to Los Cachiros drug cartel five years ago, is going through its worst economic crisis. (Photo by ORLANDO SIERRA / AFP)
FRED DUFOUR/AFPChinese zookeeper holds newborn white bengal tiger cub in Yunnan Wildlife Zoo in Kunming, Southern China on October 12, 2018. - Three playful white Bengal tiger cubs are charming tourists as they clamber around the enclosure at a zoo, days into making their first public appearance. (Photo by FRED DUFOUR / AFP)
Sanjay Hadkar/The Times of IndiaHippo and his one month baby dips in pool to cool off to get rid from scorching heat at Byculla zoo in Mumbai, on October 08, 2018. The Times of India/Sanjay Hadkar
Takumi Harada/The Yomiuri ShimbunA picture taken on Sep.13, 2018 shows an African elephant at Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Gardens in Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture.( The Yomiuri Shimbun )
TOBIAS SCHWARZ/AFPA young still unnamed rhinoceros takes a first walk in its enclosure watched by a parent at the zoo in Berlin, on October 12, 2018. - The third offspring of mother Maburi and father Jasper was born on September 22, 2018. (Photo by Tobias SCHWARZ / AFP)
ORLANDO SIERRA/AFPWomen use their smartphones to take pictures of a hippo at the Joya Grande zoo and ecopark in Santa Cruz de Yojoa, Honduras, on October 4, 2018. (Photo by ORLANDO SIERRA / AFP)