Así reaccionaron miles de manifestantes tras independencia de Cataluña
Decenas de miles de independentistas congregados este viernes cerca del Parlamento de Cataluña en Barcelona recibieron con un estallido de júbilo la declaración de independencia de esta región española.
PAU BARRENA/AFPPeople celebrate after Catalonia's parliament voted to declare independence from Spain on October 27, 2017 in Barcelona.
Catalonia's parliament voted to declare independence from Spain and proclaim a republic, just as Madrid is poised to impose direct rule on the region to stop it in its tracks. A motion declaring independence was approved with 70 votes in favour, 10 against and two abstentions, with Catalan opposition MPs walking out of the 135-seat chamber before the vote in protest at a declaration unlikely to be given official recognition.
Decenas de miles de independentistas congregados este viernes cerca del Parlamento de Cataluña en Barcelona recibieron con un estallido de júbilo la declaración de independencia de esta región española.
Los manifestantes lanzaron hurras, aplausos y gritos de "independencia", para inmediatamente después entonar con fervor el himno de Cataluña, muchos con el puño en alto.
PAU BARRENA/AFPPeople celebrate after Catalonia's parliament voted to declare independence from Spain on October 27, 2017 in Barcelona.
Catalonia's parliament voted to declare independence from Spain and proclaim a republic, just as Madrid is poised to impose direct rule on the region to stop it in its tracks. A motion declaring independence was approved with 70 votes in favour, 10 against and two abstentions, with Catalan opposition MPs walking out of the 135-seat chamber before the vote in protest at a declaration unlikely to be given official recognition.
PAU BARRENA/AFPPeople celebrate after Catalonia's parliament voted to declare independence from Spain on October 27, 2017 in Barcelona.
Catalonia's parliament voted to declare independence from Spain and proclaim a republic, just as Madrid is poised to impose direct rule on the region to stop it in its tracks. A motion declaring independence was approved with 70 votes in favour, 10 against and two abstentions, with Catalan opposition MPs walking out of the 135-seat chamber before the vote in protest at a declaration unlikely to be given official recognition.
PAU BARRENA/AFPPeople follow the vote to declare independence from Spain outside the Catalan parliament on October 27, 2017 in Barcelona.
Catalonia's parliament voted to declare independence from Spain and proclaim a republic, just as Madrid is poised to impose direct rule on the region to stop it in its tracks. A motion declaring independence was approved with 70 votes in favour, 10 against and two abstentions, with Catalan opposition MPs walking out of the 135-seat chamber before the vote in protest at a declaration unlikely to be given official recognition.
PAU BARRENA/AFPPeople celebrate after Catalonia's parliament voted to declare independence from Spain on October 27, 2017 in Barcelona.
Catalonia's parliament voted to declare independence from Spain and proclaim a republic, just as Madrid is poised to impose direct rule on the region to stop it in its tracks. A motion declaring independence was approved with 70 votes in favour, 10 against and two abstentions, with Catalan opposition MPs walking out of the 135-seat chamber before the vote in protest at a declaration unlikely to be given official recognition.
PAU BARRENA/AFPA woman celebrates after Catalonia's parliament voted to declare independence from Spain on October 27, 2017 in Barcelona.
Catalonia's parliament voted to declare independence from Spain and proclaim a republic, just as Madrid is poised to impose direct rule on the region to stop it in its tracks. A motion declaring independence was approved with 70 votes in favour, 10 against and two abstentions, with Catalan opposition MPs walking out of the 135-seat chamber before the vote in protest at a declaration unlikely to be given official recognition.
PAU BARRENA/AFPPeople celebrate after Catalonia's parliament voted to declare independence from Spain on October 27, 2017 in Barcelona.
Catalonia's parliament voted to declare independence from Spain and proclaim a republic, just as Madrid is poised to impose direct rule on the region to stop it in its tracks. A motion declaring independence was approved with 70 votes in favour, 10 against and two abstentions, with Catalan opposition MPs walking out of the 135-seat chamber before the vote in protest at a declaration unlikely to be given official recognition.
En estos 12 años, uno de los logros del pontífice ha sido la reforma total de la gestión de las arcas del Vaticano, objeto en el pasado de enormes irregularidades, como se ha comprobado en diferentes juicios, incluido el que condenó al cardenal Angelo Becciu, antiguo Sustituto de la Secretaría de Estado.