Las impactantes imágenes tras el tsunami en Indonesia
El número de muertos en el terremoto y tsunami en la isla Célebes de Indonesia subió a 384 y los hospitales atienden a cientos de heridos, anunció este sábado la agencia de gestión de desastres. La inmensa mayoría de las víctimas fueron registradas en
MUHAMMAD RIFKI/AFPResidents trying to salvage belongings from their homes which collapsed after an earthquake and tsunami hit Palu on Sulawesi island on September 29, 2018.
Nearly 400 people were killed when a powerful quake sent a tsunami barrelling into the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, officials said on September 29, as hospitals struggled to cope with hundreds of injured and rescuers scrambled to reach the stricken region. / AFP PHOTO / MUHAMMAD RIFKI
El número de muertos en el terremoto y tsunami en la isla Célebes de Indonesia subió a 384 y los hospitales atienden a cientos de heridos, anunció este sábado la agencia de gestión de desastres. La inmensa mayoría de las víctimas fueron registradas en Palu, una ciudad de unos 350.000 habitantes en la costa oeste de Célebes, afirmó Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, portavoz de esta agencia, que reclama "personal, voluntarios y material.
MUHAMMAD RIFKI/AFPEDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / People look at the bodies of victims after an earthquake and tsunami hit Palu on Sulawesi island on September 29, 2018.
Nearly 400 people were killed when a powerful quake sent a tsunami barrelling into the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, officials said on September 29, as hospitals struggled to cope with hundreds of injured and rescuers scrambled to reach the stricken region. / AFP PHOTO / MUHAMMAD RIFKI
OLA GONDRONK/AFPEDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / This photo shows bodies of victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Palu, on Sulawesi island on September 29, 2018.
Rescuers scrambled to reach tsunami-hit central Indonesia and assess the damage after a strong quake brought down several buildings and sent locals fleeing their homes for higher ground. / AFP PHOTO / OLA GONDRONK
MUHAMMAD RIFKI/AFPResidents make their way along a street full of debris after an earthquake and tsunami hit Palu, on Sulawesi island on September 29, 2018.
Rescuers scrambled to reach tsunami-hit central Indonesia and assess the damage after a strong quake brought down several buildings and sent locals fleeing their homes for higher ground. / AFP PHOTO / MUHAMMAD RIFKI
MUHAMMAD RIFKI/AFPA man carries the body of a child after an earthquake and tsunami hit Palu, on Sulawesi island on September 29, 2018.
Rescuers scrambled to reach tsunami-hit central Indonesia and assess the damage after a strong quake brought down several buildings and sent locals fleeing their homes for higher ground. / AFP PHOTO / MUHAMMAD RIFKI
MUHAMMAD RIFKI/AFPA woman cries as people look at the damages after an earthquake and a tsunami hit Palu, on Sulawesi island on September 29, 2018.
Rescuers scrambled to reach tsunami-hit central Indonesia and assess the damage after a strong quake brought down several buildings and sent locals fleeing their homes for higher ground. / AFP PHOTO / MUHAMMAD RIFKI
OLA GONDRONK/AFPPeople walk past dead bodies (blue cover) a day after an earthquake and a tsunami hit Palu, on Sulawesi island on September 29, 2018.
Rescuers scrambled to reach tsunami-hit central Indonesia and assess the damage after a strong quake brought down several buildings and sent locals fleeing their homes for higher ground. / AFP PHOTO / OLA GONDRONK
La decisión se tomó al mediodía de este viernes 28 de marzo en el Juzgado Primero Penal del Circuito Especializado de Barranquilla. Ministerio Público apeló decisión del togado.
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