Las imágenes que no debes dejar de ver de la posesión de Maduro
El presidente de Venezuela juró este jueves para un segundo mandato de seis años, desafiando a Estados Unidos y gran parte de la comunidad internacional, que amenazan con aumentar la presión contra su gobierno por considerarlo ilegítimo.
Arda Kucukkaya/Anadolu AgencyCARACAS, VENEZUELA - JANUARY 10: Nicolas Maduro, Venezuela's president, arrives for the presidential inauguration at the Supreme Court in Caracas, Venezuela, at the Supreme Court of Justice in Caracas, Venezuela, on January 10, 2019. Arda Kucukkaya / Anadolu Agency
El presidente de Venezuela juró este jueves para un segundo mandato de seis años, desafiando a Estados Unidos y gran parte de la comunidad internacional, que amenazan con aumentar la presión contra su gobierno por considerarlo ilegítimo.
FEDERICO PARRA/AFPCadets of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) get ready before the start of the ceremony of recognition to President Nicolas Maduro, at the Military Academy of the Bolivarian Army in Fuerte Tiuna Military Complex, in Caracas on January 10, 2019. - Maduro begins a new term that critics dismiss as illegitimate, with the economy in free fall and the country more isolated than ever. (Photo by Federico Parra / AFP)
FEDERICO PARRA/AFPCadets of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) get ready before the start of the ceremony of recognition to President Nicolas Maduro, at the Military Academy of the Bolivarian Army in Fuerte Tiuna Military Complex, in Caracas on January 10, 2019. - Maduro begins a new term that critics dismiss as illegitimate, with the economy in free fall and the country more isolated than ever. (Photo by Federico Parra / AFP)
YURI CORTEZ/AFPNicaragua's President Daniel Ortega (C) greets members of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) upon arrival for the inauguration ceremony of Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro second mandate, at the TSJ headquarters in Caracas on January 10, 2019. - Maduro begins a new term that critics dismiss as illegitimate, with the economy in free fall and the country more isolated than ever. (Photo by Yuri CORTEZ / AFP)
YURI CORTEZ/AFPVenezuela's President Nicolas Maduro (C) walks flanked by First Lady Cilia Flores and the president of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) Maikel Moreno (R) upon arrival for the inauguration ceremony of his second mandate, at the TSJ headquarters in Caracas on January 10, 2019. - Maduro begins a new term that critics dismiss as illegitimate, with the economy in free fall and the country more isolated than ever. (Photo by Yuri CORTEZ / AFP)
YURI CORTEZ/AFPThe President of the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia, Raul Jadyimba walks upon arrival for the inauguration ceremony of Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro second mandate, at the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) in Caracas on January 10, 2019. - Maduro begins a new term that critics dismiss as illegitimate, with the economy in free fall and the country more isolated than ever. (Photo by YURI CORTEZ / AFP)
YURI CORTEZ/AFPVenezuela's President Nicolas Maduro (2nd R) waves next to the president of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) Maikel Moreno (C) and congressma Diosdado Cabello (L) upon arrival for the inauguration ceremony of his second mandate, at the TSJ headquarters in Caracas on January 10, 2019. - Maduro begins a new term that critics dismiss as illegitimate, with the economy in free fall and the country more isolated than ever. (Photo by Yuri CORTEZ / AFP)
YURI CORTEZ/AFPSupporters of Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro gather to celebrate the inauguration ceremony of his second mandate, in Caracas on January 10, 2019. - Maduro begins a new term that critics dismiss as illegitimate, with the economy in free fall and the country more isolated than ever. (Photo by YURI CORTEZ / AFP)
YURI CORTEZ/AFPSupporters of Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro gather to celebrate the inauguration ceremony of his second mandate, in Caracas on January 10, 2019. - Maduro begins a new term that critics dismiss as illegitimate, with the economy in free fall and the country more isolated than ever. (Photo by YURI CORTEZ / AFP)
ERNESTO RODRIGUES/Ag�ncia EstadoVenezuelans living in Brazil take part in a protest against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, who is starting today his second term, in front of the Itamaraty Palace, in Brasilia, Brazil, on January 10, 2019. Maduro begins a six-year-term amid calls from critics and the international community to relinquish power. Photo: ERNESTO RODRIGUES/ESTADAO CONTEUDO
FEDERICO PARRA/AFPVenezuela's President Nicolas Maduro delivers a speech during the ceremony in which the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) recognize him after his inauguration for a second term, at the Fuerte Tiuna Military Complex, in Caracas on January 10, 2019. - Maduro begins a new term that critics dismiss as illegitimate, with the economy in free fall and the country more isolated than ever. (Photo by Federico PARRA / AFP)
YURI CORTEZ/AFPSupporters of Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro gather to celebrate the inauguration ceremony of his second mandate, in Caracas on January 10, 2019. - Maduro begins a new term that critics dismiss as illegitimate, with the economy in free fall and the country more isolated than ever. (Photo by YURI CORTEZ / AFP)
SERGIO LIMA/AFPVenezuelans living in Brazil take part in a protest against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro -who is starting his second mandate- in front of the Itamaraty Palace in Brasilia, Brazil on January 10, 2019. - Maduro begins a new term that critics dismiss as illegitimate, with the economy in free fall and the country more isolated than ever. (Photo by Sergio LIMA / AFP)
Para este estudio, consultaron a más de 86.000 directivos y docentes de educación preescolar, básica y media del sector público, de las 23 Entidades Territoriales Certificadas (ETC).
La situación de orden público se ha deteriorado en la región, afectando a las comunidades rurales, que han manifestado preocupación ante la persistencia de los combates.