Subastan camisa manchada con la sangre de John Lennon
Un trabajador del edificio Dakota ayudó al Beatle tras recibir cuatro impactos de bala y manchó su camisa de dotación con la sangre de Lenoon. 36 años después consideró que era el mejor momento de vender esta 'parte de la historia'.
El 8 de diciembre de 1980, John Lennon recibió cuatro disparos de Mark Chapman, tras las detonaciones el conserje del editficio Dakota, Jay Hastings, lo ayudó y manchó su camisa de dotación del trabajo con la sangre de Lennon.
La camisa que usó Hastings esa noche, fue subastada este sabado por USD 41 mil, unos 120 millones de pesos. A la prenda, que fue conservada 36 años, se le ven marcas de la sangre del Beatle en el pecho y las mangas.
Picture shows: John Lennon with Mark Chapman outside the Dakota building, December 8 1980 - John is signing his autograph on an album cover for Chapman.
On December 8 1980 the news that John Lennon had been shot dead caused shock waves around the world. The Day John Lennon Died is a brand new documentary for ITV1 that commemorates the 30th anniversary of the former Beatle’s death by revisiting the key moments of that fateful day.
The film retraces John’s steps on the day leading up to his murder through the strikingly vivid recollections of those who came into contact with him. It features often emotional interviews with key figures, from wife Yoko Ono Lennon recalling her final moments with her husband, and fan Paul Goresh who was to take the famous photograph of John with his killer, Mark Chapman, to the radio host to whom he gave his last interview, the record producer who recorded John’s final piece of music with him on the day,,and the doctor who battled to save his life.
The Day John Lennon Died features an exclusive, moving interview with John’s widow Yoko Ono Lennon, the only interview she is giving to mark this significant anniversary outside the US. She recalls their life together and the events of that last terrible day.
The programme also features an interview with Lennon fan Liam Gallagher who visits the site of the Beatles last ever concert in 1969 on the roof of the Apple building in London’s Savile Row. He tells the programme why John Lennon had such an impact on his life and career.
ITV picture contact - Peter Gray - 020 7157 3046
Strict copyright usage - Paul Goresh 1980.
'Jay Hastings mantuvo esa camisa durante todos estos años y nunca habló de ello. Ahora sintió que es el mejor momento para venderla', dijo Garry Shrum, de Heritage Auctions.
Además, dijo que Hastings consideró que se estaba haciendo mayor y sintió que era el momento de venderlo. No como algo macabro sino como 'parte de la historia de cómo trató de ayudar a John Lennon en los últimos minutos de su vida'.