Imagen(es) de Mundo: Así reciben la Navidad en algunos países del mundo
Compartir:Imagen(es) de Mundo: Así reciben la Navidad en algunos países del mundoGAILAN HAJI/EFEErbil (Iraq), 24/12/2017.- Iraqi Christians attend a Mass on Christmas eve at the Mar Shimoni church in Erbil the Capital of the Kurdistan Region in north of Iraq, 24 December 2017. EFE/EPA/GAILAN HAJILYNN BO BO/EFELBB12048. Yangon (Myanmar), 24/12/2017.- People enjoy the decorations with Christmas lights at Saint Mary's Cathedral, largest cathedral in Myanmar, during the Christmas eve in Yangon, Myanmar, 24 December 2017. (Birmania) EFE/EPA/LYNN BO BOAHMED JALIL/EFEEBAG12. Baghdad (Iraq), 24/12/2017.- Iraqi Christians women light candles after a Christmas mass at the Virgin Mary church in the Karrada neighbourhood of Baghdad, Iraq, 24 December 2017. Christians in Iraq celebrated Christmas as Iraqi forces imposed security measures against terrorist attacks around the churchs in the country. About a million Iraqi Christians have either left the country or have been killed since 2003 (Atentado, Terrorista, Bagdad) EFE/EPA/AHMED JALILMOHAMMED SABER/EFEGaza (Zzzzz), 24/12/2017.- Christian Palestinians attend the Latin Church in Gaza during the Christmas midnight mass held early due to the security situation, Gaza City, 24 December 2017. EFE/EPA/MOHAMMED SABERIAN LANGSDON/EFEISL55. Paris (France), 24/12/2017.- Tourists and worshippers queue at a security checkpoint to enter Notre-Dame cathedral for Christmas eve mass, in Paris, France, 24 December 2017. Security measures have been stepped up across France, with additional police presence and checkpoints established at key touist sites for the holiday season. (Francia) EFE/EPA/IAN LANGSDON
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